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About VeganEarth

VeganEarth teaches and supports ways to eat and live that are healthful,
sustainable, and compassionate toward animals, people and the Earth.

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A World of Good


About us

Until 2010, VeganEarth was known as EarthSave Cincinnati, which was founded in 1994 as a local chapter of the EarthSave Foundation, later EarthSave International. In 2010, VeganEarth was chartered as an all-volunteer nonprofit based in Cincinnati, Ohio.

VeganEarth teaches and supports ways to eat and live that are healthful, sustainable, and compassionate towards animals, people and the Earth. To that end, we promote a plant-based diet and vegan lifestyle. Our members are a diverse local and regional group of people from families and business leaders to housewives and professionals to artists and street musicians!

Our core event is a monthly vegan potluck, and we're pretty much all "foodies" who love the amazing and delicious array of tasty dishes people bring to share. People bring only vegan food to our events, meaning it contains no animal products (meat, dairy, eggs, honey, etc.).

But not all of our members are vegan. Some are vegetarian: they eat some animal products, usually dairy. And we even have members who eat meat but enjoy the great food, speakers and diverse company at our potlucks. Maybe they want to eat more healthfully, but don't know how. We're here for that. Maybe they're worried about the massive violence against animals in our modern industries and are looking for more compassionate options. We're here for that. Maybe they're concerned about the destructive effects to our Earth that are inherent in our current food system. We're here for that, too.

VeganEarth sponsors, supports or is otherwise involved with other events throughout the year, and we affiliate with many other organizations that share our concerns about the well-being of people, animals and the planet.

We welcome all, and we strive to share and educate - but not impose - a healthy, compassionate and sustainable way of life. Please join us.


Membership Page



Dear Friends of VeganEarth,

VeganEarth is a Cincinnati based group that promotes the vegan lifestyle.
It was formally EARTHSAVE Cincinnati and changed to VeganEarth in 2010

It has been a year of accomplishments, of coming together to enjoy good company, great food and stimulating programs.  We need money to continue this.

At last September’s picnic in Devou Park’s Shelterhouse, Anthony Marr riveted us with his eye-opening presentation on global climate change.   

In October, Patrick Murphy Welage had many of us rolling with Laughter Yoga.  

Fox 19 gave our Thanksgiving Day potluck the most spectacular TV coverage ever of a local vegan event. 

We feasted, celebrated and danced to the music of Lagniappe Cajun Band at our December Holiday Party. 

Our New Year began in Pleasant Ridge, with the celebration of both the renamed, revitalized VeganEarth (formerly EarthSave Cincinnati) and the Loving Hut Café (formerly the Loving Café), with a scrumptious vegan buffet.

Khristina Martin and Kevin O’Connor in February brought local focus to Mercy for Animals’ message of compassion for all living beings. 

March witnessed the resounding (and some would say astounding) success of Vegan Ooh La La!, a daring collaboration with the Midwest Culinary Institute held at The Summit Restaurant of Cincinnati State Technical & Community College. 

In April, the Clergy Health Council debuted, as Rachel Lewis and Richard Brown discussed how they had begun spreading the value of a healthy, vegan diet to churches throughout Greater Cincinnati.

In May, Mark Keillor of OneVoice4Change explored how a vegan diet connects with the myriad aspects of worldwide efforts to bring sustainability to human culture. 

June found us celebrating summer foods with our traditional potluck in a park, held again at the Shelterhouse in Northern Kentucky’s beautiful Devou Park.

In July, we honored and celebrated VeganEarth cofounder Mary Ann Lederer’s 70th birthday and her passion for healthy, vegan living. 

Last month, we promoted Rachel Lewis’ 85th birthday celebration and fund raiser for the Clergy Health Council.

And this month, we will come together to explore and weigh the merits of raw and macrobiotic diets with the help of Rachel Lewis, Suzy Hoseus, Charles Kabenji and VeganEarth Chairperson John Mooter, whose role in Lagniappe Cajun Band frequently ensures lively music for our events.   

VeganEarth maintains a library of books and videos available for you to borrow. 

VeganEarth collaborates with other compatible organizations and encourages members to support local leafleting and activities of Mercy for Animals, Vegan Outreach, and Farm Sanctuary whose Walk for Farm Animals will be held on Saturday, September 24th in Eden Park.   

Once a month, VeganEarth leaflets in Findlay Market followed by lunch there. 

Quite an impressive series of fun-filled, nourishing and informative gatherings for one organization to have brought about, particularly in light of the all-volunteer nature of VeganEarth’s efforts 

And that was just this year, the first year. 

Your support of VeganEarth and your desire to celebrate and share the joy and health of all living beings ensure the continuation of our efforts. 

The only other ingredient necessary for another year of good company, great food and fascinating programs is your donation to VeganEarth to afford our carefully budgeted costs.  This ingredient is needed; it is needed now

Invest in the expansion of the plant based lifestyle.  Make a contribution to VeganEarth.  Annual VeganEarth memberships range from twenty to one hundred plus dollars  (Download the membership form below)






The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
-Mahatma Ghandi

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
-Albert Einstein

Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings we are still savages.
-Thomas Edison

* Factory Farm animals * Unseen they suffer, Unheard they cry, In agony they linger, In loneliness they die.



VeganEarth is a Cincinnati, OH based all volunteer nonprofit dedicated to teach and supports ways to eat and live that are healthful, sustainable, and compassionate toward animals, people and the earth.

Disclaimer: Information on this website and on materials and or presentations should not be taken as medical advise. Before making any changes to diet or exercise habits you should always consult a qualified health professional.

Copyright VeganEarth 2010-2011 All rights reserved
For more information contact the webmaster: Rich